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  • Please download the homework here
  • This project is divided into two homeworks (HW4a, HW4b)
    • Both carry the weight of a full homework
  • NOTE You are limited to 12 submissions per 24 hours time period. If you exceed this you will stop seeing feedback on gradescope.


In this assignment, you will develop an oracle to test (possibly broken) solutions to the Stable Matching Problem. This assignment is different in that:

  • Your purpose is not to solve the problem, but to test whether a solution given to you is correct. That is, all code you write will be tests and supporting code for tests.
  • There might be multiple correct outputs for a single input. Thus, you will need to test properties of the output, and make sure you are considering enough properties so anything that satisfies all of them (i.e. passes all your assertions) is correct.

This homework is divided into two assignments (with separate due dates). You will have one week to complete each part. Part A will focus on writing a function that, if given valid inputs, produces correct outputs. Part B will be similar, but will focus on verifying that the steps of a function are correct.

Learning Objectives

  • Practice writing property based tests
  • Practice reading, and reasoning about, a problem's specification

Student Expectations

Students will be graded on their ability to:

You are not required to write anything inside of the .test.ts file.


There is an examples section that goes through input and output

Getting Started

In basic terms, an oracle is a function that answers a yes or no question. In your case, you are writing an oracle to decide if the supplied function correctly solves the Stable Matching Problem.

Your oracle’s job is to generate and feed test inputs to a given "solution" (possibly incorrect) then test the correctness of the output. In the past, you did this by comparing the output to a precomputed "right answer". This assumes two things: there is only one right answer, and that it is easy for you to find it.

In the real world, either of these can be false. (How do you know what the right answer to an arbitrary instance of the problem is if the original problem was to write a program to find it?)

You should write code that is well structured, readable, and employs the right abstractions (higher-order functions/objects). This will make it easier to test and debug. Avoid code duplication, which makes it tedious to inspect and maintain your code when changes are needed.

The Stable Matching Problem

You can learn more about the Stable Matching Problem from Wikipedia, but a summary of the problem is as follows:

Imagine there are two groups, AA and BB, both with nn members. We need to split the two groups into pairs (called a matching) consisting of one member from each group.

More formally, we need a perfect matching where every member in group AA is paired with exactly one member from group BB, and vice versa (everyone is in a pair).

However, everyone has a preference with who they are matched with. Every member from each group ranks all members from the other group by preference.

A solution to the stable matching problem will take as input the two groups and everyone's preference. As output, it will produce a stable matching. A matching is stable if there do not exist two matched pairs, [a1,b1][a_1, b_1] and [a2,b2][a_2, b_2], such that:

  • a1a_1 prefers b2b_2 over b1b_1, and
  • b2b_2 prefers a1a_1 over a2a_2

Alternatively, a matching is not stable (unstable) if there exist members aa and bb who are not paired with each other, but prefer each other over their current pair.

Companies and Candidates

For this assignment, our groups will consist of companies and candidates. Each company has a ranking of all candidates, in order of preference. And each candidate has a ranking of all companies. Preference lists will be represented as arrays, with the first preference at index 00 and the last preference at index n1n - 1.

Companies and candidates are each assigned a number between 0 and n1n - 1. Thus, a two-dimensional array can represent the preferences of a single group:

// n = 3 = There are three companies. = There are three candidates.
[0, 1, 2], // Index 0: Company 0's preference list
[1, 2, 0], // Index 1: Company 1's preference list
[0, 2, 1], // Index 2: Company 2's preference list

Each element of this 2D array is a preference list. Each element of a preference list is a candidate's number. Company 0's first preference is Candidate 0, then Candidate 1, then lastly Candidate 2. Candidate preference lists are structured the same way. However, each number corresponds to a company rather than a candidate.

Inside of stableMatching.d.ts, you will find the following type definitions:

interface Hire {
company: number;
candidate: number;

type StableMatcher = (companies: number[][], candidates: number[][]) => Hire[];

A Hire is an object with two fields that represents a matching between a company and candidate. A StableMatcher is a function that takes in two 2D arrays of numbers, specifically the preferences of the companies and candidates, and returns an array of Hire objects (Hire[]).

Along with these type definitions, there are two relevant exported members (functions), both of type StableMatcher. They are: STABLE_MATCHING_SOLUTION_1 and FLAWED_STABLE_MATCHING_SOLUTION_1. They are used inside the provided tests (oracle.test.ts) to check against your solution.

Their implementations are obfuscated inside of stableMatching.js. Looking at their source code would be counter-productive to the assignment and not particularly useful as the auto-grader will tests your oracle against numerous correct and incorrect solutions to the problem.

Programming Tasks

Part A Due 10/9

  1. Write a function called generateInput:
export function generateInput(n: number): number[][] {

This function should produce an n×nn \times n array of preferences for companies or candidates. This will be used as input for testing a given solution. Your function should generate random values in order to test a given solution with a broad spectrum of input.

Constructing a function to complete this is non-trivial. Provided below is a description of the Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm:

-- To shuffle an array a of n elements (indices 0..n-1):
for i from n−1 down to 1 do
j ← random integer such that 0 ≤ j ≤ i
exchange a[j] and a[i]

A function that returns a random number between some range can be implemented using Math.random and Math.floor:

// Returns a random integer i where min <= i < max
function randomInt(min: number, max: number): number {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;

Common Issue - 'Type number is not assignable to type never'

TypeScript uses type inference to infer the types of your variables from assignment and context. This means that the majority of the time, we can omit type annotations on variables:

// Compiler:
// x is assigned to 5
// -> 5 is a number
// -> x must be a number
let x = 5;

However, sometimes we need to assist the compiler and tell it what we mean. Initializing 2D arrays is one of those cases. To aid the compiler, provide it a type annotation.

// Compiler:
// type annotation is present
// -> my2DBoolArray is the user specified type of boolean[][]
const my2DBoolArray: boolean[][] = [];

Common Issue - 'Unsafe assignment of type any[] to variable of type number[]'

Similar to situation described above, creating an array using the array constructor without a type parameter (new Array(...)) does not give the compiler enough context. A new array? Of what type? Try explicitly telling the compiler what type of array you are trying to construct.

// Create a boolean array of length 5, fill it with false
my2DBoolArray[0] = new Array<boolean>(5).fill(false);

Although you are not required to write tests, you should confirm your generateInput works correctly before attempting stableMatchingOracle.

  1. Implement stableMatchingOracle inside of oracles.ts.
export function stableMatchingOracle(f: (companies: number[][], candidates: number[][]) => Hire[]): void {

This function is an oracle for the Stable Matching Problem. If f is a valid solution of the stable matching problem, it should do nothing (the return type is void). If f is an invalid solution, it should throw an AssertionError (use assert(...)).

As a reminder, the assert function will take in a logical expression and an optional message as arguments (assert(x === 1, "X should be one.")). If the logical expression is falsy, then assert will throw an AssertionError containing the message. If the expression is truthy (not falsy) assert will do nothing.

A template for the stableMatchingOracle function is given inside of oracles.ts. To do well, you should carefully consider all the different ways in which the output could be invalid for the original problem statement. You may assume the output is of the right type, Hire[], but nothing else.

As mentioned in the student expectations, you should be employing proper coding abstractions (avoid code duplication). When implementing this function, look at all the related data a company or candidate has. What are the common operations and queries that you might do on this data? Is there any way to group this together or pre-compute anything? Using objects may be helpful. Think before you code.

Part B Due 10/16, autograder releases Monday 10/7

Now write an oracle that determines if a function follows the specified algorithm:

Algorithm: We assume the following non-standard variant: At any step, any unmatched company or candidate may propose. Every party always proposes to the next potential partner on their preference list, starting with the top choice. Proposals are not repeated. Any unmatched party that receives a proposal accepts unconditionally. If the receiving party is already matched, but they receive a better offer (higher in their preference list), they accept, and their current partner becomes unmatched; otherwise, the offer is rejected. The algorithm ends when all parties are either matched or have made offers to the entire preference list. The algorithm is under-specified/nondeterministic: it doesn’t state whether a company or a candidate proposes at a given step, nor which one does, as long as the given rules are observed.

You may have noticed the other members inside stableMatching.d.ts:

interface Offer {
from: number;
to: number;
fromCo: boolean; // If the offer is from a company

interface Run {
trace: Offer[];
out: Hire[];

type StableMatcherWithTrace = (companies: number[][], candidates: number[][]) => Run;

An Offer is an object with three fields that represents a proposal from one party member to a member of another party (company -> candidate or candidate -> company). A Run is an object that represents the series of steps an algorithm took (trace) to produce a solution (out). A StableMatcherWithTrace is just like a StableMatcher, but it returns a Run.

  1. Implement stableMatchingRunOracle inside of oracles.ts.
export function stableMatchingRunOracle(f: (companies: number[][], candidates: number[][]) => Run): void {

This function should test the provided implementation of stable matching. It should check that:

  • The offer sequence in the trace is valid, made according to the given algorithm, starting with all parties unmatched
    • The trace need not be a complete algorithm run, it may stop at any point
  • The produced matching (out) is indeed the result of the offers in the trace

As with part A, do nothing if it is valid. Throw an AssertionError if it is invalid (use assert(...)). You may assume the output is of the right type, Run, but nothing else.

Additionally, you should update oracle.test.ts to skip the tests from part A and not skip the part B tests.

// Before
describe("Part A: stableMatchingOracle", () => {
/* ... */

describe.skip("Part B: stableMatchingRunOracle", () => {
/* ... */

// After
describe.skip("Part A: stableMatchingOracle", () => {
/* ... */

describe("Part B: stableMatchingRunOracle", () => {
/* ... */


Assume that we have candidates Alice, Bob, and Charles, and companies Amazon, Boeing, and Cisco. The candidate preference matrix could look like this:

First PreferenceSecond PreferenceThird Preference
Alice (0)0 (Amazon)1 (Boeing)2 (Cisco)
Bob (1)0 (Amazon)2 (Cisco)1 (Boeing)
Charles (2)2 (Cisco)1 (Boeing)0 (Amazon)

This means that Alice’s preferences are Amazon, Boeing, and Cisco, in that order. Bob’s preferences are Amazon, Cisco, and Boeing, in that order. Charles’ preferences are Cisco, Boeing, and Amazon, in that order. The corresponding number[][] would look like this:

[0, 1, 2],
[0, 2, 1],
[2, 1, 0],

The company preference matrix could look like this:

First PreferenceSecond PreferenceThird Preference
Amazon (0)0 (Alice)2 (Charles)1 (Bob)
Boeing (1)0 (Alice)1 (Bob)2 (Charles)
Cisco (2)0 (Alice)2 (Charles)1 (Bob)

This means that Amazon’s preferences are Alice, Charles, and Bob, in that order. Boeing's preferences are Alice Bob, and Charles, in that order. Cisco preferences are Alice, Charles, and Bob, in that order. The corresponding number[][] would look like this:

[0, 2, 1],
[0, 1, 2],
[0, 2, 1],

A possible trace could look like this: [{from:1, to:1, fromCo:false}]. This means that Bob makes an offer to Boeing. This offer is invalid, since Bob’s top choice is Amazon, and Bob did not previously offer to Amazon in this run.

Another possible trace could be [{from:2, to:0, fromCo:true}]. This means that Cisco makes an offer to Alice. This is a valid offer, since Cisco’s top choice is Alice, and Cisco is unmatched. Alice’s top choice is Amazon, but being unmatched, they has to accept the offer. The result is that Alice and Cisco are now marked as matched. If later in the run Alice receives an offer from Amazon, Alice accepts and is matched to Amazon, and Cisco becomes unmatched.

Here is a longer trace:

// Cisco -> Alice (accept - Alice is unmatched, both become matched)
{ from: 2, to: 0, fromCo: true },
// Amazon -> Alice (accept - Alice prefers Amazon over their current match, both become matched, Cisco becomes unmatched)
{ from: 0, to: 0, fromCo: true },
// Cisco -> Charles (accept - Charles is unmatched, both become matched)
{ from: 2, to: 2, fromCo: true },

This is a valid run. A valid resulting Hire array would be:

{ company: 0, candidate: 0 }, // Amazon and Alice
{ company: 2, candidate: 2 }, // Cisco and Charles

As those are the results of the trace.